

The staff of ALMBS is comprised of over 75 highly motivated and qualified individuals who work with one goal in mind: To make your week at ALMBS one of the most rewarding, educational, and worthwhile experiences of your life. The staff is drawn from the ranks of The American Legion, West Virginia State Police, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Section, other Agencies of West Virginia Government, United States Military Services, professional career fields, The American Legion State Headquarters staff and former ALMBS Citizens who distinguished themselves during their participation in the program. All staff members are volunteers and receive no financial compensation for their participation. The staff is always available to assist you should a question or problem arise.

Orientation Sessions

You and your parent(s)/guardian(s) are requested to attend an Orientation Session. Preregistration for an Orientation Session is required. The purpose of the Orientation is to acquaint you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) with the ALMBS program. You will meet others who will be attending ALMBS and will have an opportunity to ask questions about the program. Please have the Citizen Packet with you during the Orientation Session.

The program should last approximately 45 minutes. Your local American Legion Post may have a supplemental orientation that will provide additional information. The orientation sessions will be held virtually. It is requested that the citizen be available by video; however, this is not required. Pre-registration should be completed on the ALMBS website at https://e.wvboysstate.org.

To register for an Orientation Session, you will need the password included within the Citizen Packet. After registering, a link will be sent to the email address provided so that you can join the virtual orientation session.


All transportation to and from ALMBS must be furnished by parent(s)/guardian(s) or sponsor(s). The ALMBS Board of Directors voted to ban automobiles being driven to camp by Citizens. ALMBS is a very intense program, and the Board made this decision out of concern for the safety and well-being of the Citizens on their drive home.

For safety purposes, Citizens are prohibited from bringing their own vehicle to ALMBS.

You should arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. Early arrival is recommended. The Commencement Ceremony will begin on Saturday morning promptly at 9:15 a.m. and will conclude at approximately 11:00 a.m.


Registration for ALMBS will promptly begin at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday at the MAIN PAVILION, WVU Jackson’s Mill. Follow posted signage to registration. The closest entrance to this location is from Lightburn Road by the pool entrance. The WVU Jackson’s Mill grounds can be accessed from Jacksons Mill Road or Lightburn Road (see WVU Jackson's Mill map). Registration will close by 9:30 a.m. and ALMBS will be operational at that time. Early arrival is recommended. It is recommended that you eat breakfast prior to Registration. ALL forms in the Forms Packet must be completed and brought to registration.

Only one parent/guardian may accompany the Citizen through the registration process, and only registered Citizens and ALMBS staff will be permitted in any cottages during Registration.

During Registration, you will be issued the ALMBS Manual and one (1) ALMBS T-shirt. Additional ALMBS T-shirts can be purchased for $6.00 each. It is recommended you purchase at least two (2) additional T-shirts at the time of Registration. Additional T-shirts will be available for purchase throughout the week. The official ALMBS Citizen uniform consists of the ALMBS T-shirt and suitable pants. The ALMBS T-shirt will always be worn. The ALMBS T-shirts will be washed by staff members one time midway through the week. Your first meal will be the afternoon meal on Sunday at 12:30 p.m.

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Career Paths

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Political Process

Numerous opportunities exist for you to run for political office at the ALMBS. You will be provided specific instruction on how to run for the various offices upon your arrival at the ALMBS.

You are encouraged to run for at least one office. At the state level, you may run for Governor, Auditor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Agriculture, or Justice of the Supreme Court. You may only run for one state office. At the county level, you may run for Sheriff, County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Assessor, County Commissioner, Prosecuting Attorney, State Senator, House of Delegates, Magistrate, Circuit Judge, or Board of Education member. At the city level, you may run for Mayor or City Council member. A Citizen shall be permitted to run for election for only one office at each level (State, County, and City). A Citizen can hold only one elected office.

All candidates for State Office will be given an opportunity to address all the Citizens of their respective political party at the party caucus on Monday - prior to the primary election. This is a critical phase in the state election process that often has a significant impact on the results of the state primary election. State office candidates will be given approximately one (1) minute to provide their address. They are encouraged to give significant thought to their address’s content and delivery.

Campaign Guidelines

To ensure fair and honest campaigns at the ALMBS, the following guidelines will be observed by all candidates:

  • No campaign materials can be brought from home. This is to ensure that all Citizens start out on an equal footing and develop a campaign of his own effort and initiative.
  • Campaign materials may be purchased on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday afternoons/evenings at Headquarters. The cost of campaign materials is paid from the ALMBS currency or campaign contributions (ALMBS currency collected from other Citizens).
  • Personal computers and word processors are not permitted to be used.
  • Posting of campaign materials is not permitted inside Mount Vernon Dining Hall.
  • No campaign signs are to be affixed to a point that is higher than one can reach standing on a chair. No campaign signs are to be affixed to any lamppost, fire equipment, exit signs, automobiles, or stairwells.
  • The ALMBS asks for the use of common sense in any candidate’s campaign. All campaign signs should be in good taste, free from obscene language, and suggestive or lewd designs.
  • The ALMBS also asks each candidate to be responsible. After elections are over, each candidate is required to remove his campaign signs and dispose of them in a proper manner.
  • All nicknames must be approved by the ALMBS Political Process Coordinator. No obscene/off-color nicknames will be tolerated.
  • Campaign materials are not permitted to be drafted or affixed to the ALMBS Uniform.

Hired Position(s):

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Legal System

The ALMBS operates a fully functioning legal system that is overseen by staff who are legal professionals. ALL Citizens are required to take the ALMBS Bar Exam after the noon meal on Sunday. It is highly recommended that you study the “Law Lecture” prior to ALMBS. A thorough study of the “Law Lecture” is recommended to enhance your possibility of receiving a passing score on that examination. The ALMBS “Law Lecture” can be found below.

Each ALMBS county will prepare and present a court trial that will be reviewed and evaluated by visiting Attorneys from the Harrison County Bar Association. The lead defense attorney in this trial will be appropriately compensated, in ALMBS currency, for his efforts. The ALMBS Courts also hear a variety of cases that involve the ALMBS laws. Defense attorneys operating in a part-time capacity will be compensated in ALMBS currency.

The following positions comprise the ALMBS Legal System: supreme court justices, attorney general, circuit court judges, prosecuting attorneys, magistrates, circuit clerks and defense attorneys.

You must pass the ALMBS Bar Exam in order to be eligible to hold the offices of Attorney General, Justice of the Supreme Court, Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Judge, and the position of Attorney. Each Citizen is permitted to retake the ALMBS Bar Exam by paying the $50 fee and sitting for the examination during the announced exam times.

ALMBS Law Lecture

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Bank

The ALMBS Bank gives each Citizen an opportunity to learn personal financial management and responsibilities. Several positions including president, vice president, loan officers, and full and part time tellers are available for those interested in learning about banking institutions.

Applications will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are also available at below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening, if necessary.

Upon arriving at the ALMBS, each Citizen is given a checking account with $1,000.00 in ALMBS currency. From that account, the Citizen pays a variety of taxes, license fees, registration fees, and other costs related to maintaining a household and employment within a city, county, and state. In addition, Citizens pay taxes on their real property (bed). Each Citizen will make deposits and withdrawals in his account by earning monies through a position of employment within the ALMBS and participation in organized activities (e.g., band, athletics, chorus, Americanism).

There is no unemployment or public assistance within the ALMBS. You will have one of the “Full Time” jobs by Wednesday morning, so it is recommended you pursue a job that interests you.

Applications will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are available below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening, if necessary.

ALMBS Bank Job Application

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Journalism Staff

At ALMBS, a daily newspaper (print) and nightly news (broadcast) are produced to keep citizens informed about daily events and upcoming schedules. The newspaper staff is comprised of an editor, staff reporters, photographers, graphic designer, layout editor, and sportswriter. The news broadcast will have a broadcast manager, video editor, and reporters. The print and broadcast material will also be available online at https://wvboysstate.org.

Applications will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are available below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening, if necessary.

ALMBS Journalism Job Application

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Office of Emergency Services

The ALMBS operates a functioning Fire Department, 9-1-1 dispatch center, and Emergency Medical Services station throughout the week. These departments are overseen and operated by the County Emergency Services Director(s). These brave young men will participate in an Emergency Services Academy which will encompass aspects of county-based Emergency Medical, Firefighting, and 9-1-1 communications training. (Please note: No citizen will be asked to participate in any dangerous activity.) After participating in the academy, citizens will take on responsibilities throughout the week to ensure safety of their fellow citizens and respond to/participate in various scenarios that will show them how the workings of government bodies directly affect the emergency services in the state. A minimum of one citizen from each county or combined county is selected to join the ranks of this program. Participation in the ALMBS Emergency Services is a demanding endeavor and it is recommended that only citizens who are strongly interested in careers such as: Firefighters, 9-1-1 Dispatchers, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, and or County Emergency Service Directors, plan to involve themselves in this program. These occupations involve a significant commitment and participants may be required to work long and late hours and may not be able to participate in other activities such as scheduled free time. Those wishing to pursue this career path are encouraged to bring a flashlight, and notebook.

Applications will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought along when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are available below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening if necessary.

ALMBS Emergency Services Job Application

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Division of Corrections

The ALMBS Division of Corrections (DOC) is responsible for establishing and operating The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Jail and Prison, under the strict supervision of Staff Advisors. The DOC is comprised of Corrections Officers who receive training in a Corrections Academy. The Corrections career path involves a significant commitment and participants may be required to work long and late hours and may not be able to participate in other activities such as scheduled free time. The Commissioner of the DOC is appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, from the ranks of the Corrections Officers.

Applications for the position of Corrections Officer will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are available below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening if necessary.

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State DNR Police and State Police

The ALMBS operates a functioning Division of Public Safety (State Police) and a Division of Natural Resources (DNR) Law Enforcement Section (DNR Police Officers) which are chaired by West Virginia State DNR Police Officers and State Troopers who are assigned to ALMBS. The ALMBS DNR Police Officers and State Troopers attend a Police Academy and perform many law enforcement responsibilities within the program. A minimum of one Citizen from each county is selected to be in the State Police and most counties have one Citizen who is a DNR Police Officer. The ALMBS DNR Police Officers and State Police may be selected to participate in flag-raising and lowering, command functions during the Formal Review, and other duties. Participation in the ALMBS DNR Law Enforcement Section and State Police is a demanding endeavor and it is recommended that only Citizens, who are strongly interested in Law Enforcement careers and plan to involve themselves in few of the other opportunities at ALMBS, pursue these occupations. These occupations involve a significant commitment and participants may be required to work long and late hours and may not be able to participate in other activities such as scheduled free time. Those interested in pursuing a law enforcement career are encouraged to bring a flashlight, 8½ x 11” notebook, rain gear, and camouflage clothing/outerwear.

Applications will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are available below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening; if necessary.

ALMBS Law Enforcement Job Application

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Forensic Laboratory

The ALMBS Forensics Lab is a full-service laboratory that performs specialized examinations on evidence that is collected during criminal investigations. Services are provided free of charge to all law enforcement entities operating within the ALMBS. The forensic lab will be composed of a supervisor, forensic investigators, and forensic laboratory technicians.

Applications will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are available below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening; if necessary.

ALMBS Forensics Laboratory Job Application

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Homeland Security/National Guard

There exists at the ALMBS a functioning National Guard/Homeland security component. The mission of this component is to successfully mobilize and deploy soldiers, units, and resources as necessary. The ALMBS National Guard/Homeland Security component conducts missions when required by authority of the Governor. This component will work closely with ALMBS Law Enforcement section and will receive some of the same training. Members of the ALMBS National Guard/Homeland Security component may be selected to participate in flag-raising and lowering functions as well as command responsibilities during the formal review. Individuals will be selected from the Applicants to be in the National Guard/Homeland Security component. Those individuals will receive specialized training throughout Sunday evening - Wednesday in preparation for their duties. Additionally, the applicants selected for the National Guard/Homeland Security component, on Sunday evening, will receive a $1,000.00 signing bonus in ALMBS currency. Based upon the recommendation of the staff advisor(s) to this program, one of the Applicants, upon successful completion of training, will be appointed by the elected ALMBS Governor to be the Adjutant General. This career path, like the Law Enforcement career path involves a significant commitment and participants may be required to work long and late hours and may not be able to participate in other activities such as free time.

ALMBS Homeland Security / National Guard Job Application

The Business Management staff is comprised of an Executive Officer, Sales Coordinator, and Logistics Coordinator. The Business Marketing staff is comprised of an Executive Officer and Design Officer. A Financial Officer will also be selected. The position(s) of “Lemonade Stand Operator” will be filled, from the ranks of the unemployed, as necessary. The success of the ALMBS General Store, lemonade stand, and other approved ALMBS businesses depends on the above positions being able to work together as a team.

All profits of the General Store, lemonade stand, and other approved ALMBS businesses go to support ALMBS as designated by ALMBS law (See referenced legislation).

Applications will be available from your cottage counselors on Sunday morning and should be brought when applying for this position on Sunday afternoon. Applications are available below. Interviews will take place on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening; if necessary.

ALMBS Business Management & Marketing Job Application


ALMBS is held at WVU Jackson’s Mill near Weston, West Virginia. This facility is nestled in the most beautiful hills of West Virginia and offers every comfort and recreational facility of a modern camp. The native stone Mount Vernon Dining Hall, 14 spacious and healthful county cottages, a tennis court, softball fields, volleyball courts, swimming pool, frisbee golf course, and other facilities make WVU Jackson’s Mill an ideal home for ALMBS. ALMBS has been held at WVU Jackson’s Mill since the beginning of the ALMBS program in 1936.

You will be randomly assigned to one of fourteen (14) cottages. Each cottage will be managed by a Senior Counselor and one (1) to three (3) additional Counselors, depending upon the cottage’s size. You will be assigned a bed, mattress, pillow, bed sheets, pillowcase, and blanket. You will be provided instruction on the proper way to maintain your living quarters and a daily inspection of the cottages will be conducted by an Inspection Staff.

Recreation and Athletics

There are a variety of recreational opportunities at ALMBS to include intramural type athletic competitions where the ALMBS Counties compete against one another. The games that are played are one pitch softball, volleyball (hard court and sand court), basketball, and ultimate frisbee. Each County will have an Athletic Director whose responsibility will be to ensure that his county fields a team at the scheduled games. There is also a swimming pool, tennis court, gaga ball, a frisbee golf course, and walking/hiking/running trails.


Non-denominational devotion services, under the guidance of staff members, are held nightly at the Chapel. Citizens who wish to participate are encouraged to do so. Citizens may volunteer to lead these services.


The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State traditionally has an excellent choir. The choir performs for assemblies, meals and other events. These talented individuals lead the camp in the camp song - Men of Tomorrow - a tradition that has been maintained throughout the history of the program. The choir also sings patriotic music at our Veteran's Assembly.


The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State traditionally has an excellent band. The band plays for assemblies, flag raising, Formal Review, political rallies, and other events. Each night, when time permits, an informal gathering of musicians occurs on the porch of Marion Cottage. This allows those interested to showcase their talents.