Announcing the 2024 ALMBS Banking Staff

We are thrilled to introduce the 2024 American Legion Mountaineer Boys State (ALMBS) Banking Staff. These dedicated individuals will be taking on key roles in our mock banking system, providing an invaluable learning experience for all citizens participating in this year's camp.

Banking Staff:

  • Kyle Hills - President
  • James Beckman - Vice President
  • Jackson Cogar - Loan Officer
  • Nate Cook - Teller
  • Joshua Kerrigan - Teller
  • Alexander Marchase - Teller

Part-Time Staff:

  • Benjamin Estel
  • Alexander Irby
  • Thatcher Bombardiere

Learning Opportunities:

During the ALMBS camp, our citizens will have the unique opportunity to engage in a hands-on banking simulation. Through the creation and operation of this mock bank, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the financial industry, including the responsibilities and functions of various banking roles. They will learn about loan processes, financial management, and customer service, all within a controlled, educational environment. This practical experience aims to equip our future leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the banking world.

Join us in congratulating our 2024 Banking Staff and wishing them success in their endeavors to provide an enriching and educational experience for all ALMBS citizens!
