Governor Bobby Herron
My fellow Boys Staters, I would like to begin by saying what an honor it was to serve you as governor and what an honor it was to serve the tremendous and prestigious program that is American Legion Mountaineer Boys Sate. As a citizen of Mountaineer Boys State last year, I cannot even begin to count the many valuable lessons I learned while participating, not only in the dealings of state government, but lessons in how to deal with both lifes triumphs and challenges. I cannot express enough thanks and gratitude to those who make such a special program such as this work. I assure each and every one of you that I will utilize the traits, traits such as self-respect, hard work, loving this great nation, honesty, and respecting both my peers and those more experienced to the best of my ability. After experiencing the benefits of Mountaineer Boys State first hand, benefits which include improving my leadership skills and the benefit of making friends to whom I remain close even to this day, I have truly come to appreciate what this program is all about, and for that I am extremely thankful.
As I look around this room here today, I see many different types of young men. After observing this year s Boys State as both your counselor and governor, I have noticed that some of you are great athletes, great musicians, and some posses great public speaking qualities. The point is that each and every one of you brings a different character and personality trait to the table. However, the one characteristic that all of you posses is that of leadership. All of you are outstanding leaders, otherwise you would not be present here today. I strongly encourage each of you to apply this great gift to benefit your community, your state, your nation, and your world. I also advise you to absorb all the information and important lessons you will receive during your week at Mountaineer Boys State, and put these teachings into action within your community. In all
honesty, I would like to let you know that because of young men like you, I am very excited about the future
of our state. I am looking forward to taking on the challenge that will face our generation. I am proud of you and I am proud of this program.
In conclusion, I would first like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to our veterans, our legionnaires, who, without their sacrifice, my opportunity to spend my short time on earth as a free man would not exist. Gentlemen, I thank you. To the staff of the American Legion Mountaineer Boys State: I applaud and appreciate all the hard work that you do in making this program the enormous success that it truly is. Finally, I would like to thank you, the 2005 citizens of the American Legion Mountaineer Boys State. I loved and appreciated your enthusiasm and acceptance of me as your governor. I want you to know that if you ever need me at all, I will be ready and willing to help any of you if necessary. Once again, I must re-iterate on how much pride I have in this state and you are all a big part of why I am proud to call myself a West Virginian. Thank you and, and I wish the best of luck to our new Governor Afeef Ahmed.
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