The Mountaineer Daily (Monday 6/10/2024)

Day 1 at the American Legion Mountaineer Boys State: A Day of Engagement and Learning

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State (ALMBS) kicked off its first day with a flurry of activities. With the registration of 219 citizens, the day was filled with enthusiasm and eagerness as the participants embarked on their journey of civic engagement and leadership.

The day began with a strong emphasis on getting involved. The “don’t hold back” catchphrase echoed throughout the day, serving as a constant reminder for the citizens to seize every opportunity. Motivational speeches encouraged the participants to engage fully and try new things, fostering an environment of exploration and growth.

A significant component of the day was the focus on Americanism, particularly the POW/MIA table. This powerful symbol served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by our brave servicemen and women. It instilled a sense of respect and gratitude, reinforcing the values that ALMBS stands for.

The day also provided practical, hands-on experience for the citizens. They had the opportunity to apply for jobs, giving them a taste of the professional world. This experience is invaluable, equipping the citizens with skills that will serve them well beyond ALMBS.

The excitement was palpable as numerous campaigns officially launched. The citizens stepped up, ready to lead and make a difference. The spirit of participation was evident, with citizens eager to contribute to their community.

An integral part of the day’s activities was the understanding of TAPS. This solemn bugle call, played at dusk and military funerals, is a poignant reminder of the service and sacrifice of our military personnel. The citizens learned about its significance, further deepening their understanding of Americanism.

Day 1 at ALMBS was a testament to the program’s commitment to fostering engaged, informed citizens. As we look forward to the rest of the week, we are excited to see how our citizens will grow, lead, and make a difference.

Upcoming Live Schedule (Monday, June 10, 2024)

  • Monday Breakfast Speaker – 8:15AM (YouTube)
  • Monday Lunch Speaker – 12:45PM YouTube)
  • Americanism Instruction – 1:30PM (YouTube)
  • Monday Evening Assembly – 7:45PM (YouTube)

***NOTE: Mealtime speaker times may vary; however, they will be very close to the published times.