2019 ALMBS Randolph Primary Result
County Results
Sheriff - Jackson Biser [F], Manning Powell [N] County Clerk - Elias Smith [N] Prosecuting Attorney - Connor Mann [F], Ryan Lpngerbeam [N] Circuit Clerk - Zakary Bland [F], Avery Baker [N] Assessor - Eric LaFaber [F], James Sams [N]
County Commission (3) - Michael Davis [F], Andrew Stanley [F], Jacob Ferguson [N], Liam Purkey [N] House of Delegates - Same "The Stallion" Crowder [F], Orion "The Hunter" Helmich [F], Geroge "chap" Kester [F], Michael Offutt [F], Ethan McDermott [F] State Senate (2) - Cam "The Man For The People" Bennet [F], Nicholas Palmer [F], George Struthers [N], Jacob Comer [N]
City Results
Mayor - Jackson Biser [F], Josh Ferguson [N] City Council (3) - Michael Offutt [F], Orion "The Hunter" Helmick [F], Andrew Stanley [F], Elias Smith [N], Jack Coleman [N], Andrew Brown [N]
Non-Partisan Results
Board of Education (3) - Ryan Longerbeam
Circuit Judge - Clayton "Night Haw" Meredith
Magistrate - Gary Chen