Crime and Punishment

As every citizen is fully aware, on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, the Boys State police will be up and running and our laws will be fully instated. The Boys State driving, hunting, and fishing laws will be mandatory to follow. A helpful suggestion would be reviewing the rules also listed in the newspaper, and perhaps carrying a copy of them with you. All licenses will be available for purchase in each individual cottage. If you wish to purchase one, or all of these licenses, you must consult your cottage banker. Police trainees informed us that punishments will be swift and severe to those who disobey and may worsen if resisted. Either purchase the licenses and avoid trouble, or hope you can afford a good lawyer.

Jake Wilkinson, Kanawha Cottage

Our Two Candidates

In the Kanawha cabin, two people were elected for state offices. One citizen was Akshay Chandran. He was elected to represent the Nationalists for Secretary of State. “I am feeling pretty going about representing the Nationalists for Secretary of State. Even if I do not get elected over all, I can still say that I came far in this election process.” Chandran continued on to say that he felt that it was going to be an intense debate and he was eager to see what was in store.

The second candidate from Kanawha was Daniel Truong. Truong was chosen to represent the Federalists for Treasurer. Also known for his popular nickname “Swag Man Dan,” Daniel has no clue what to expect tonight at the debate but he is looking forward to it. Overall, I am proud to say that these two were chosen from Kanawha cabin for these state election positions.


College/ Career Day A Huge Success

Following today’s classes, a college and career fair was held in the Main Pavilion, garnering a considerable amount of both benefit, and success. Colleges from around the state, ranging anywhere from the smaller Pierpont and Salem Universities, to the reputable WVU, tried their hand in recruiting future alumni. To increase their chances, pamphlets and souvenirs were handed to those interested, which included the majority of attendants. Yet, even to the non-collegiate bound, there were several career options available as well. The FBI, U.S. Marshalls, State Police, and more all had stations up to inform and invite concerned participants. Overall, there was no one out place when asked about their future.

-         Owen Bleigh, Marion Cottage

College Credit Offered

College credit is available for attending Mountaineer Boys State for the 4th year in a row. The ACE Network, a non-profit organization created to support Boys and Girls State has arranged for 3 hours of general education elective credit through Clemson University.

Citizens may visit for more information and register for the online course.

Marion County Primary Results

Marion County Primary Results

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Monroe County Primary Results

Monroe County Primary Results

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Randolph County Primary Election

Randolph County Primary Election

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Braxton County Primary Results

Braxton County Primary Results

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Gilmer/Calhoun Primary Results

Gilmer/Calhoun Primary Results

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Lewis County Primary Results

Lewis County Primary Results

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