Mark Shreve: A Beacon of Selfless Service

Mark Shreve, an esteemed Vice Commander of The American Legion, is a paragon of selfless service and leadership. Hailing from the scenic Smoke Hole, West Virginia, Mark’s journey is one of dedication and commitment to the values that define our nation’s veterans.

A proud Army veteran, Mark served with distinction as a Military Police First Sergeant from 1979 to 2001. His service took him across the globe, from Europe to Korea and Southeast Asia, as well as various assignments within the United States. After his military career, Mark continued to serve his community and fellow veterans through his work with The American Legion.

As Vice Commander, Mark has been a vocal advocate for veterans’ affairs, emphasizing the importance of camaraderie and support among service members. His message of “Be the One” resonates deeply, encouraging individuals to step up, lead by example, and make a difference in the lives of others.

Mark’s leadership extends beyond his words; it is reflected in his actions and the lasting impact he has on those around him. He embodies the spirit of the “Men of Tomorrow,” inspiring the next generation to carry forward the torch of service and excellence.