Senator Capito Speaking

US Senator Shelley Capito Speaks to ALMBS Citizens

Senator Shelley Moore Capito – Shelley Moore Capito was elected by the people of West Virginia to the United States Senate in 2014, and re-elected in 2020. She is the first female U.S. senator in West Virginia’s history and was elected with the largest margin of victory for a Republican in state history—winning more than 70 percent of the vote and all 55 counties, surpassing the previous mark she set in 2014 when she won more than 62 percent of the vote and all 55 counties. After serving West Virginia’s Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives for 14 years, and as a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates for four years prior, Senator Capito decided to run for Senate to be an even stronger voice for the Mountain State. She also saw an opportunity to restore order to a Senate stuck in gridlock for far

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WV Secretary of State Speaks to ALMBS Citizens

West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner is serving in his second term. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and a graduate of the West Virginia University School of Law School. He earned Master of Law degrees from the University of Virginia Law School and the Army’s Judge Advocate General’s School.

During his 23-year career in the United States Army, Secretary Warner served on four continents, deploying to military hot spots around the world. On one assignment, Warner took part in activities involving the capture and transfer of suspected war criminals to the International Court of Justice at the Hague. In other assignments, he served as an artilleryman, prosecutor, defense counsel, command adviser, and law instructor. He held a variety of leadership and teaching positions, culminating as the Chief of International Law for the US Army Europe in Heidelberg, Germany. He also served on

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Jamie Summerlin Addresses ALMBS

On March 26, 2012, Jamie Summerlin, a US Marine Corps veteran, started an improbable cross-country journey. In order to honor our Military, Veterans, and raise funds for West Virginia-based Operation Welcome Home, a veteran’s facility he helped co-found in 2012, he would run coast to coast beginning in Coos Bay, Oregon. After 100 days, 10 pairs of running shoes, 3,452 miles, and impacting countless lives along the way, Jamie completed his journey in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, becoming the 48th person in history to complete a true Ocean to Ocean run across America.

Jamie currently serves as the CEO of Guidon Creative, an events management and promotion company that provides consulting, management and design for events large and small in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Jamie resides in Morgantown WV with his wife Tiffany, who are the proud parents of their two children Nicholas & Shayna, and are currently very happy to be empty-nesters.

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Welcome to ALMBS

Good Morning Citizens of The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State. After two years, the #ALMBS Staff is prepared and WVU Jackson’s Mill stands ready to welcome you with open arms. Registration begins at 8:30am at the Main Pavilion.

When you arrive at registration, please bring your completed forms packet and a parent/legal guardian with you to the registration line. Please travel safe and we look forward to your arrival.


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Are you ALMBS ready?

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State returns to developing the “Men of Tomorrow” in 15 days. Are you ready for this Week that Shapes a Lifetime?

Here is a preparation checklist:

Read entire contents of the Citizen Packet.
Obtain physical examination and bring completed WVSSAC Athletic Participation/Parental Consent/Physician’s Certification Form and Affidavit and Consent to Treat to Registration. The Affidavit and Consent to Treat requires a parent(s)/guardian(s) signature and must be notarized.
Attend an orientation session. (RSVP online; only two session remain June 1 and June 5)
Visit ALMBS website https://wvboysstate.org.
Subscribe to our channel on YouTube at https://y.wvboysstate.org, follow us on Twitter at: https://t.wvboysstate.org, follow us on LinkedIn at https://i.wvboysstate.org, like our Facebook page at: https://f.wvboysstate.org, and join the discussion on our Facebook group at: https://fg.wvboysstate.org.
Study law lecture, under the Legal Career Path.
Develop a plan (What you want to do/be at The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State.) and backup plan(s). (If first, second, third, etc. plans

ALMBS Orientations Underway

Have you applied to attend ALMBS? Have you registered for an orientation session? Do so today!

You and your parent(s)/guardian(s) are requested to attend an Orientation Session. Preregistration for an Orientation Session is required. The purpose of the Orientation is to acquaint you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) with the ALMBS program. You will meet others who will be attending ALMBS and will have an opportunity to ask questions about the program. Please have the Citizen Packet with you during the Orientation Session.

The program should last approximately 45 minutes. Your local American Legion Post may have a supplemental orientation that will provide additional information. The orientation sessions will be held virtually. It is requested that the citizen be available by video; however, this is not required. Pre-registration should be completed on the ALMBS website at https://e.wvboysstate.org.

To register for an Orientation Session, you will need the password included within the Citizen Packet. After registering,

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2022 High School Recommendations and Applications Still Being Accepted

It remains our goal to have every high school and home school community in the State of West Virginia represented at each annual ALMBS session. We are willing to work with you to assure that your high school is represented at the program.

ALMBS is a leadership action program where qualified high school students take part in a practical government exercise. It is designed to develop a working knowledge of the structure of state government and to impress upon the citizen the fact that our government is just what we make it.

The goal of ALMBS is to teach good government through participation by becoming a mythical state government and operating it as such. It is an objective citizenship training program which strives to inculcate individual responsibility to the community, state, and nation.

ALMBS is still accepting HIGH SCHOOL RECOMMENDATIONS and APPLICATIONS for the 2022 ALMBS Camp to be held June 12-18, 2022.



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What is ALMBS?

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State is among the most respected educational programs of government instruction for high school students and is West Virginia’s Premier Leadership Academy. Each participant becomes a part of the operation of his city, county, and state government. The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State has been a program of the American Legion Department of West Virginia since 1936.

At the American Legion Mountaineer Boys State, participants are exposed to the rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities of a franchised citizen. The training is objective and practical with city, county, and state governments operated by the participants elected or selected to the various offices and positions. Activities are varied and include many facets of government such as elections, legislative sessions, and legal proceedings. Law enforcement presentations, assemblies, guest speakers, band, chorus, recreational programs, a college/career fair, and a talent show are also held.

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2022 ALMBS Applications Still Being Accepted

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State (ALMBS) has long been recognized as one of the most respected educational programs of government and leadership instruction for high school students. We have accomplished this over eight decades by adjusting our program to keep pace with the times. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to think creatively about how we can safely deliver a meaningful and engaging program and we are proud to return to this mission in 2022.

QUALIFICATIONS: Individuals who meet the below qualifications are eligible to apply for admission to ALMBS. Due to the cancellation of the 2020 & 2021 sessions, each high school senior class will be permitted at least one attendee to the 2022 session along with the junior class attendees.

Be a member of the male enrollment of the current junior class.
Have a 2.75 grade point average or higher on a four-point scale or its equivalent. (Note: Schools should

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2022 ALMBS COVID Policy

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State will adhere to all WV Bureau for Public Health and Lewis County Health Department guidelines that are in place at the time of the program. All participants, as in past years, will be required to have a physical examination and all participants will undergo a medical screening upon arriving at the WVU Jackson’s Mill facility. Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing is encouraged and expected. Participants are encouraged to bring hand sanitizer and sanitization wipes. Social distancing and outside activities will occur when possible. As of publication, the WV Bureau for Public Health and Lewis County Health Department policies do not require mandatory mask wearing. Participants will not be required to wear masks but are encouraged to do so. This policy is subject to change and will be updated as necessary.