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2021 American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Session Cancelled

Friends of The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State,

It is with great disappointment we write to inform you that The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State (ALMBS) has been cancelled for 2021, in accordance with the consensus decision of The American Legion Department of West Virginia Mountaineer Boys State Board of Directors.

Meanwhile, The American Legion Boys Nation, The American Legion Auxiliary Rhododendron Girls State, and The American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation are all committed to holding their programs, even if it is in a virtual capacity.

Since 1936, The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State has been West Virginia’s Premier Leadership Academy, and this is officially the 4th time in its history that the program has been cancelled. This would have been the 83rd ALMBS.  The ALMBS staff stands ready to provide an in-person camp when it is SAFE for our staff and participants. It is anticipated that the 2022 session of ALMBS will

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2020 American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Session Cancelled

Friends of The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State,

It is with a heavy heart, we write to inform you that The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State has been cancelled for 2020. This decision has been the hardest decision to make during one of the hardest times of our lives. Please know this decision was made after thorough deliberation with our program’s senior leadership and based on the current national and state-wide effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Legion Auxiliary Rhododendron Girls State, The American Legion Boys Nation, The American Legion National Oratorical Finals, and Junior Shooting Sports Competitions have also been cancelled for 2020. West Virginia becomes the 21st state to cancel Boys State this year.

Since 1936, The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State has been West Virginia’s Premier Leadership Academy, and this is officially the 3rd time in her history that the program has been cancelled. It hasn’t been since

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COVID-19 Announcement

It is with a heavy heart to announce The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State and The American Legion Auxiliary Rhododendron Girls State programs have been cancelled for 2020. Please know this decision was made after thorough deliberation with our program’s senior leadership and based on the current national and state-wide effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information see the attached ALMBS and ALARGS Memoranda.

Senator Manchin Keynotes ALMBS Graduation Assembly

Senator Manchin has served in several leadership capacities on various associations, including: Chairman of the National Governors Association, Chairman of the Southern States Energy Board, President of the Council of State Governments, Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association and Chairman of the Southern Governors’ Association.

Senator Manchin served as Secretary of State from 2000 to 2004, and his office was known for excellent customer service. He was a state legislator from 1982 to 1996, where he earned a reputation for standing up for West Virginians.

Senator Manchin became a successful businessman after attending West Virginia University on a football scholarship.

Senator Manchin is an avid pilot, outdoorsman, hunter, angler and motorcyclist. He has been married for more than four decades to the former Gayle Conelly of Beckley. They have three children: Heather, Joseph IV and Brooke, and are the proud grandparents of Joseph V, Sophie, Kelsey, Madeline, Chloe, Jack, Carly, Vivian, Beaux and

US Representative Carol Miller Addresses ALMBS

Congresswoman Carol Miller represents West Virginia’s Third Congressional District. Miller serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the Oversight and Reform Committee, and the

House Select Committee on Climate Crisis in the U.S. House of Representatives. Miller’s focus in Congress is creating jobs, diversifying the economy, innovating and improving infrastructure, protecting America’s borders, and supporting West Virginia’s energy industries like coal, oil, and gas.

Prior to her election to Congress in 2018, Congresswoman Miller served in the West Virginia House of Delegates from 2006 to 2017 where she rose to become the first female Majority Whip. In addition to her public service, Carol is active in her community and is a former member of the Women’s Heart Advisory Board, St. Mary’s Regional Heart Institute, Marshall University Society of Yeager Scholars, West Virginia Commission for the Arts, and Lily’s Place, as well as many other organizations.

A mother of two and grandmother of five,

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ALMBS Citizens Participate in College Fair

We would like to thank the following schools for taking time to meet with our Citizens for the College and Career Fair:
WVU School of Med.
US Military Academy at West Point
Fairmont State University
US Naval Academy
WVU Honors College
WV National Guard
Marshall University
Concord University
Chambers College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University
WVU Potomac State College
Waynesburg University
WVU Institute of Technology
Professional & Undergraduate Programs – WVU School of Medicine
WVU Reed College of Media
Bethany College
Thasher Engineering
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Fairmont State University – College of Liberal Arts
West Virginia University – Undergraduate Admissions
Virginia Tech Corp of Cadets and Army ROTC
United States Army
WVU School of Pharmacy
Shawnee State University
Alderson Broaddus University
Bridgewater College
West Liberty State University
US Senator Joe Manchin’s Office – US Military Academy Nomination Process

2019 ALMBS Governor Carson Winkie delivers State of the State Address

2019 ALMBS Governor Carson Winkie delivers State of State Address at the West Virginia State Capital, in the House Chambers.

FSU’s Dr. Mirta Martin Speaks to ALMBS


Fairmont State University is a comprehensive, regional university committed to educating global citizen leaders in an environment distinguished by a commitment to excellence, student success and transformational impact.


Fairmont State University will be renowned for its innovative pedagogical practices and programs and as the first-choice institution for students seeking a transformative educational experience.

For more information: https://www.fairmontstate.edu/aboutfsu/presidents-office

Senator Capito Addresses ALMBS

Shelley Moore Capito was elected by the people of West Virginia to the United States Senate in 2014. She is the first female U.S. Senator in West Virginia’s history and was elected with the largest margin of victory for a Republican in state history – winning more than 62 percent of the vote and all 55 counties.

After serving West Virginia’s Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives for 14 years, and as a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates for four years prior, Shelley decided to run for Senate to be an even stronger voice for the Mountain State. She also saw an opportunity to restore order to a Senate stuck in gridlock for far too long.

Shelley believes that today’s challenges demand bipartisan solutions and cooperation across the aisle to advance legislation that benefits West Virginia and the country as a whole.

Shelley serves on the Senate