
WVU President E. Gordon Gee Speaks to ALMBS

Dr. E. Gordon Gee is one of America’s most prominent higher education leaders, having helmed universities for more than three decades. In 2009, Time magazine named him one of the top 10 university presidents in the United States.

In 2014, Gee returned to West Virginia University, where his career as a university president began. His leadership goals include putting students first, advancing the university’s research agenda, partnering with West Virginia communities and making sure that 1.8 million West Virginians know in their hearts and minds that West Virginia University is their university.

Born in Vernal, Utah, Gee graduated from the University of Utah with an honors degree in history and earned his J.D. and Ed.D. degrees from Columbia University. He clerked under Chief Justice David T. Lewis of the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals before being named a judicial fellow and staff assistant to the

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American Legion Riders Benefit Ride


Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Memorial Day) from Martinsburg to Grafton, WV and Return.

Register at American Legion Post 14, 125 Race Street, Martinsburg, on Saturday, May 23, and join us for an all-you-can-eat breakfast, or join us anywhere along the route to register and ride. Enjoy scenic mountain rides, a ferry river crossing, participate in America’s oldest Memorial Day Parade, and pay your respects with us as we visit the West Virginia National Veterans Cemetery on Memorial Day morning.

ADVANCE REGISTRATION BY MAIL IS ALSO AVAILABLE Call 304 267-6100 for Information. Reduced hotel rates may be available for participants in nearby Bridgeport, WV.

All proceeds benefit American Legion Mountaineer Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Rhododendron Girls State.

Sponsored by the American Legion Riders Chapter 14, Martinsburg, West Virginia. More information available on www.wvpost14riders.net.

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2015 ALMBS Applications still being accepted – limited slots available!

The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State is a week long program focused on government, leadership, and citizenship. The program is open to any male, junior who lives or attends high school in the State of West Virginia. Complete the Application form on http://wvboysstate.org and work with your High School Guidance Counselor or local American Legion Post to get registered. Limited slots are available, so ACT NOW!

Eligibility requirements:
**Male, junior who lives or attends High School in WV
**2.75 or higher GPA
**Involved in leadership and/or civic activities

When and Where:
June 7-13, 2015
WVU Jackson’s Mill

“Boys State is among the most respected educational programs of government instruction for students… You are the next generation of leaders, and we are counting on you to rebuild America into an even greater nation than we are today.” — Senator Joe Manchin III

Questions? Send us a message through the “contact us” form on our website and we will work to enroll you in this “Week that shapes a lifetime!”

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A Proud Supporter of ALMBS – Oce Smith

Oce Worthington Smith Jr.

FAIRMONT — Oce Worthington Smith Jr., 76, of Fairmont, passed away on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at the Arbor’s at Fairmont Nursing Center.

He was born in Barrackville, on January 4, 1938, the son of the late Oce Worthington Smith Sr. and Norma “Polly” Margaret Lough Smith.

Mr. Smith was preceded in death by his loving wife, Carol Ann Bunner Smith.

Oce was raised on a farm in the community of Monumental on the outskirts of that town and was very proud of his heavy American Indian and English/Scots-Irish heritage. He graduated from the old Barrackville High School in a class of 24 students, graduated from Fairmont State College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and went on to do his post-graduate work in political science at West Virginia University.

It is difficult to figure how he ever got

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2014 ALMBS State Police Officers

Evan Blackwood, Panhandle
Nathaniel T Booth, Braxton
Nathaniel Colebank, Panhandle
Cody Grimmitt, Randolph
Tyler S Heffner, Upshur
Christian Hushon, Panhandle
Sammy A. Jesmer, Gilmer
Ian V Mc Saughlin, Lewis
Parker T Onestinghel, Monroe
Dale L. Scott III, Marion
Ian Sparkman, Harrion
Preston Surface, Monroe
William L. Teufel III, Lewis
Mark W. Veach, Randolph
Josheph M. Wellman, Webster
Charles C. Whitney, Barbour
Wesley P Withrow, Kanawha
Jacob Work, Marion

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2014 ALMBS – Formal Review

Wednesday night, the American Legion West Virginia Boys State performed the annual formal review. All cabins marched and stood at attention in the pouring rain while proud parents watched the transformation of their children to the men of tomorrow. Citizens marched passed the governor when they were done with the field and marched straight into the cattle barn. Parents and citizens alike got settled in and watched Americanism ceremonies as well as two eloquent speakers. Buddie Curnette and Woody Williams both entertained and excite their respected crowd. After speakers were finished several presentations by the Boys State Choir and Boys State band to end the formal review. Once citizens and parents alike exited the livestock unit everyone caught up with the parents that attended and headed back to their jobs or assignments. The formal review revealed to the parents what Boys State is about and the life long

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ALMBS 2014 Bar Exam Standouts

Five hours after arrival on the first day of boys state, every citizen is required to take the ALMBS bar exam. This test determines eligibility to run for a legal office such as a judge or lawyer. The most exemplified students and cottage are underscored by this article from staff reporter Gene Bailey.

Bar Exam Results Proves Boys State Citizens Are Judicious

By Gene Bailey

Of the 348 citizens at Mountaineer Boys State, one-third of the citizens passed the infamous bar exam. Monroe Cottage attained the highest average on the state’s campus overall. Additionally, two citizens tied for the highest scoring individual exam. Chad Hollandsworth of Kanawha Cottage and Jamie Austin Rose of Harrison Cottage received an astounding 82% on the exam. Considering Mountaineer Boys State is a haven for academically-gifted students statewide, it is an honor to be among the examiners that passed the

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Nationalist and Federalist Present Their Platforms

After two sessions and a total of three hours of exciting caucuses, the Nationalists and Federalists finalized their platform. Both parties have similar ideas such as legalization of recreational marijuana and drug testing for citizens on welfare; furthermore, the parties did not have any conflicting planks between the two platforms. Below are the complete list of planks for each party from young men at the 2014 Mountaineer Boys State.


Greetings! The Nationalist Party has drafted a platform that can appeal to all Boys States citizens. Our party truly believe that by investing in our Boys State, we can accomplish common-sense objectives as set forth in our platform. Our party will remain unified moving forward, because we can only succeed when we all work together. Again, please review our platform and consider supporting our Nationalist candidates in the General Election.

With Regards,

Bradley Firchow

Nationalist Party Chairman


A 10-point grading scale similar

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2014 ALMBS Bank Staff

President: Omar Salem

Vice President: Nic Cheuvront

Loan Officer: Sam Tonkovich

Teller: Casey Martel, Dakota Null, and Parker Boughton

Branch Bankers: Tyler Johnson (Barbour), Dominic Muttillo (Braxton), Ryan Kunis (Panhandle), Michael Atkinson (Gilmer), Levi Masters (Calhoun), Andrew Armstrong (Lewis), John Wilfong (Upshur), Jamie Rose (Harrison), Ricky Willis (Kanawha), David Crupe (Marion), Demitrius Servicz (Randolph), Andrew Lyons (Monroe), and Killian Coyne (Webster)

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2014 ALMBS Broadcast Staff

Broadcast Manager: Franklin Norton

Assistant Broadcast Manager: Kevin Stryker

Staff Reporters: Jake Boice

Anchormen: Matthew Conner, Isaac Carroll, and Joseph Severino

Cameramen: Corey Knollinger and Matthew Groves

Website Coordinator: Connor Moffitt