
Calhoun/Gilmer General Election Results

Calhoun/Gilmer General Election Results

Marion County General Election Results

Marion County General Election Results

Kanawha County General Election Results

Kanawha County General Election Results

Braxton County General Election Results

Braxton County General Election Results

Monongalia/Upshur County General Election Results

Monongalia/Upshur County General Election Results

Lewis County General Election Results

Lewis County General Election Results

ALMBS Keynote Speaker Feature Image

Treasurer John Perdue

Treasurer John Perdue

Webster Runners

After a long and very exhausting day, the Webster County citizens found energy to participate in workout activities. After the assembly at Assembly Hall, the citizens got together and thought it best to go running for a workout. Out of the twenty-one citizens in the Webster County, fifteen of the citizens took themselves a nightly job around Jackson’s Mill grounds. After everyone had returned to the cottage, they decided that a nightly run will occur the entire span of Mountaineer Boys State. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun.

Michael Bragg – Webster Cottage

Webster Athletics

WebStar Goes Up 2-0 for Sports Records

As the Websters had a record of 1-0 going into their second sports game, the future did not look bright. Panhandle came out strong and took the first set with a 15-13 point victory. With the help of players such as John Neges, Cameron Killmer, Thomas Dodd, and the MVP, Cam Viney, the WebStars once again showed their teamwork by forcing a 3rd set. The WebStars came together after being down by 8 in the final set, and Cam Viney finished it off with a spike. They start softball with a perfect record.

Mike Bragg – Webster Cottage
WebStar is Victorious!

It was a hot Monday afternoon as the WebStars took the court to take on Monroe Cottage. Monroe started off very quickly going up 3-nil. After that, the 12 players who were dressed to play for the WebStars showed off their skills and went on a

Newsome Memories

It was on June 13 of 2011 when I had the privilege to interview the Braxton County Senior Counselor. Only being the first full day of the week, I was extremely nervous. But at the right time, I was confident in doing my first interview. I started with the basic of a hello, and a how are you today? Newsom was very polite and told me he was doing quite fine.

I then progressed into asking if he was enjoying his week at Boy’s State so far. Newsom responded by saying “Yes. Boy’s State is always one of my favorite weeks of the year.” I then asked the curious question of what year he was a citizen at Boy’s State, and could he tell me his experience at his Boy’s State? Newsom was a citizen of Boy’s State in 2006, and “When I was a citizen in Boy’s State, I remember