
Nationalist Party Caucus

As time rolls on, it becomes more and more aware to every one of us here in Boys State that time moves extremely fast. This is evident every day, but especially on this day. Today, the people of the Nationalist party gathered in Assembly Hall for their party caucuses. Mark Zachwieja started off the gathering with eight simple words; “This is learning by doing, just like life.”

Into The Woods

If you travel along the worn, stone walk way of the Dominion Path, into the low valley and up the other side of the valley; you will encounter the Randolph Cottage.


Today two of the many classes that will happen this week started. Parliamentary Procedure and Leadership led by Chris Sharps and Dr. James J. Nolan, Ph.D. spoke today about issues that will help the future leaders of Boys State and America.

Flag Education

When any camper walks into Mountaineer Boy’s State he can feel the strong sense of patriotism that fills the grounds. No symbol best exemplifies that sense of patriotism than the American Flag, and the man who has gone to great lengths to educate all campers about the meaning of the flag none other than Senior Counselor Robbie Robinson.

Beneath The Hat

Yesterday I had the privilege of interviewing the Mountaineer Boys State Legislative Director Mr. James Dague. In June of 1987, Mr. Dague was selected to become a Boys State Citizen and remained a member of the program ever since. He said his favorite aspect was learning through participation. In the words of Mr. Dague “No matter what you do in the future, no matter what occupation, human society requires you to have an understanding and knowledge of government.”


Mountaineer Boys State athletics kicked off Monday afternoon. The organized competitions included volleyball (sand and hard court), ultimate Frisbee, softball and basketball. Also, citizens gathered together to play soccer, tennis, and some went jogging. Taking place before and after dinner, the athletics let citizens get into some competition.

Kanawha County Primary Election Results

Kanawha County Primary Election Results

Monroe County Primary Election Results

Monroe County Primary Election Results

Randolph County Primary Election Results

County Election


Federalist Candidate: Karl Smakula

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

County Clerk

Federalist Candidate: Zachary Horan

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Prosecuting Attorney

Federalist Candidate: Sher Khan

Nationalist Candidate: Quinton Mays

Circuit Clerk

Federalist Candidate: Jared Ballard

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT


Federalist Candidate: David Hoeng

Nationalist Candidate: Jared Hanna

County Commissioner (Vote for three)

Federalist Candidate: Jacob Mayles

Federalist Candidate: Justin White

Federalist Candidate: Logan Childers

Nationalist Candidate: Alex Howden

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Circuit Judge

Federalist Candidate: David Haley

Nationalist Candidate: Stephen Bradlyn vs Yoasaf (YOS) Shermani [RUN OFF TO OCCUR]


Federalist Candidate: Todd Rundle

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

State Senate (Vote for two)

Federalist Candidate: Rogan Park

Federalist Candidate: Brady “The Brodeo” Efaw

Nationalist Candidate: Chris Smith

Nationalist Candidate: Louis Yanach

House of Delegates (Vote for three)

Federalist Candidate: Evan Hurst

Federalist Candidate: Nick Dixon

Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: Philip Micknac

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

City Election


Federalist Candidate: Jared Ballard

Nationalist Candidate: Stephen Bradlyn

City Council (Vote for three)

Federalist Candidate: Adam Moran

Federalist Candidate: Sher Khan

Federalist Candidate: Jacob Mayles

Nationalist Candidate: Quinton Mays

Nationalist Candidate: Yousaf (YOS) Sherwan

Nationalist Candidate: Philip Mickinac

Board of Education (Vote for three)

Elected: Tyler Clegg

Elected: Kyle Gibson

Elected: VACANT

Braxton County Primary Election Results

County Election


Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

County Clerk

Federalist Candidate: Michael Wilson

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Prosecuting Attorney

Federalist Candidate: Alex Jones

Nationalist Candidate: Jordan Adkins

Circuit Clerk

Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT


Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

County Commissioner (Vote for three)

Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: Garret Carden

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Circuit Judge

Federalist Candidate: Mae Dingmore

Nationalist Candidate: Marqus Burrell


Federalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: Bryn Cooper

State Senate (Vote for two)

Federalist Candidate: Alex Hessman “Hershey”

Federalist Candidate: Ethan Taylor

Nationalist Candidate: Richard Kennedy

Nationalist Candidate: Nicholas Alvaro

House of Delegates (Vote for three)

Federalist Candidate: Jared Peterson

Federalist Candidate: Alex Bennett

Federalist Candidate: Jacob Walker

Nationalist Candidate: Austin Poe

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

City Election


Federalist Candidate: Jesse Beasley

Nationalist Candidate: Garrett Carden

City Council (Vote for three)

Federalist Candidate: Michael Wilson

Federalist Candidate: Ethan Taylor

Federalist Candidate: Jacob Walker

Nationalist Candidate: Nicholas Alvaro

Nationalist Candidate: Austin Poe

Nationalist Candidate: VACANT

Board of Education (Vote for three)

Elected: Jesse Beasley

Elected: Lucus Orndoff

Elected: VACANT