
82ND American Legion Mountaineer Boys State Recruitment Continues

The 82nd Annual American Legion Mountaineer Boys State will be held June 9-15, 2019 at West Virginia University Jackson’s Mill.  Students will take part in creating the 51st State to the Union.  Founded in 1936, the goal of The American Legion Mountaineer Boys State (ALMBS) is to educate and train West Virginia youth in understanding one of the country’s most precious freedoms; the democratic form of government.  ALMBS is characterized as “West Virginia’s Premier Leadership Academy!”  Participants receive instruction and hands on experience in the governmental, political, and legal processes and participate in a variety of “career paths” that include Political, Legal, Banking, Law Enforcement (State Police and Natural Resource Police), Journalism (Broadcast & Print), Homeland Security (National Guard), Corrections, and Emergency Services. West Virginia proudly holds the 2nd oldest American Legion Boys State charter in the nation.

ALMBS is sponsored by the nation’s largest wartime veteran’s service organization – The

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LtCol Mark McMillon Addresses ALMBS

Mark McMillion is a seasoned leader with over 25 years of leadership experience, training, and practice. As a West Point graduate, he was privileged to learn at the finest school of leadership in the world.  With two engineering degrees, he understands how hard data drives decisions.  As a veteran leader, he’s learned and practiced the soft skills of leadership. With tours of duty in Germany, Norway (with NATO), and two combat tours in Iraq, he served in a variety of positions on three continents and across the United States.

Contrary to what many believe, leadership in the Army is not as simple as giving orders or court-martialing someone.  Building mutual trust, loyalty, and respect for others are critical requirements to be an effective leader in any environment.

His career highlights include his times as platoon leader, West Point assistant professor, battalion executive officer, and exercise planner for NATO.  Each of these positions

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2018 ALMBS Department of Corrections Announced

Correction Staff

Niko Fuscardo
Stanley Apanowicz
Joe Faucette
Garet Hostuttler
Austin Macek
Brian Walker
Jonathan Kammer
Matthew Edie
John Brumley
Tyler Kibler
Joshua Meadows
Jomo Smith

WVU President E. Gordon Gee Addresses ALMBS

Dr. E. Gordon Gee is one of America’s most prominent higher education leaders, having served as president of some of the most prestigious public and private universities for more than three decades.

When he returned to lead West Virginia University in 2014 as the institution’s 24th president, it was a homecoming of sorts. He was first named WVU president in 1981 at age 36 – at the time, among the youngest persons to ever serve as a university president.

He led WVU until 1985 when he went on to presidencies at the University of Colorado (1985-90), Brown University (1998-2000) and Vanderbilt University (2001-07). He served as president of The Ohio State University from 1990-97 and again from 2007-13.

On his return to the Morgantown campus, he said, “This is not a job to me; it is a calling.” His leadership style bears that out as he works tirelessly to advance the University’s land-grant

Judge Kurt Hall Addresses ALMBS

Judge Hall is a native of Brunswick, Ohio. He has a bachelor’s degree (1990) in Mining Engineering Technology from Fairmont State University and worked as a project engineer/Certified Mine Foreman’s Assistant before earning a law degree from West Virginia University College of Law in 1995.

Judge Hall was elected to a new seat in the Twenty-Sixth Judicial Circuit (Lewis and Upshur Counties) in May 2016. He took office on January 1, 2017.

He was a law clerk in an Elkins law firm, a public defender in the Second Judicial Circuit (Marshall, Tyler, and Wetzel Counties) and then a Randolph County assistant prosecuting attorney. He was an assistant prosecuting attorney in Harrison County for eleven years before then-Governor Earl Ray Tomblin appointed him to the circuit bench in the Twenty-Sixth Judicial Circuit (Lewis and Upshur Counties) in 2013. He served sixteen months but was unsuccessful in retaining the seat in the 2014 election.

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2018 ALMBS Barbour/Webster General Election Results

County Results

Sheriff – Dan “The man” Castello (F),
County Clerk – William Kurtist Yost (N)
Prosecuting Attorney – Enrique Herrera (F)
Circuit Clerk – Andrew Torlone (F)
Assessor – Mark Taylor (N)

County Commission (3) – Angelo Gentile (F), Pauly Boddy (F), Daniel McGuire (F)
House of Delegates – Isaiah “Stan” Stanley (F), Ronald H Jennings III “Ronnie” (F) and “THE” Bryan Ho (F), Jacob Southern (F),  Broc Oliverio (N), Joel Morris (N)
State Senate (2) -Jacob Ralston “Yhac” (F),  Micheal Lough “Low”  (N)

Mayor – Mohammad Sissoto (N)
City Council (3) – Alex Dauge (N), Robert “The Enforcer” Minard (N), Thomas “The Tank” Martineau (N)

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2018 ALMBS Panhandle General Election Results

County Results

Sheriff – Weston Huggins (N)
County Clerk – Tyler Hill (F)
Prosecuting Attorney – David Carter (F)
Circuit Clerk – Mountain Jackson Harper (F)

Assessor – Kyle Waters “Beefy” (N)

County Commission (3) – Anthony Abrahamian (F), Jeremy Hardman (F) and Chance Winter (N)
House of Delegates – Easton Perry (F), Braden Poling (F), Ethan Wilson (F), Malachi Woods (F), Jacob “Chops” Pennell (F), Jacob “Big Red” Tallamy (N), Zander Kjar “The guy with the messed up name” (N)
State Senate (2) -Jack White (F), “Big” Adam Cox (N)

City Results

Mayor – Kiyan Pepper Barlett (F)
City Council (3) – Mace Wheeler (N), Ty Flynn (N), and Isaiah Meade (N)

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2018 ALMBS Kanawha General Election Results

County Results

Sheriff – Johnathon “Harp” Harper (F)
County Clerk – Brian Shackleford (N)
Prosecuting Attorney – Brady Kuhn (N)
Circuit Clerk – Vacant
Assessor – Kareem Bucha (N)

County Commission (3) – Avery Barb (N), Matthew Tucker (N)
House of Delegates – Noah Sampson (F), Alexandyr Hummel (F) and George Makricostas (F), David Strange (N), Daniel Woods (N),  Alexander Pritt (N)
State Senate (2) -Lucas J McDonald (F), “The” Grayson Watson (F)

City Results

Mayor – Tyler “T-Stamp” Stamper (F)
City Council (3) – George Makricostad (F), Thomas Azinger (N), Shane Martel (N)

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2018 ALMBS Lewis General Election Results

County Results

Sheriff – Robert “Robbie” Jennings (N)
County Clerk – Vacant
Prosecuting Attorney – Samuel P Reeder (F)
Circuit Clerk – David Agcaoili (N)
Assessor – Randolph “Standoff” Wyatt (F)

County Commission (3) – Edward Brenya (F), Robert Charles Preston (N), and Nick Gorby (N)
House of Delegates – Phillip “Big Philly” Hinerman (F), Nick Kirchoff (F), Gage Nicholson (F), and Wade Underwood (F), Preston Howard (N)
State Senate (2) -Mitchell J. Miller (F), Alec “ajgoodz” Goodman (N)

City Results

Mayor – Dave Sahill (F) and Robert “Robbie” Jennings (N)
City Council (3) – Ethan Evans (F), Lucas “Luke” Sakole (N), Brandon Nguyen (N)